Thursday, April 28, 2011

Post-Easter Resurrection Blues -- PERB

Do you suffer from post-Easter resurrection blues? PERB? Do you ever get so excited about the resurrection and how all of our hope hinges on this historical event and the fact that Jesus Christ defeated death to bring about the possibility of eternal life with Christ in heaven -- yet it lingers!  This life -- and all its foibles, lingers.  The battle is over, yet the world continues -- waiting for the second coming of Jesus and the end to the sorrows, sickness and brokenness of this life.

That is why desire can be such a painful and wonderful thing. We desire the fullness of God's redemptive plan to come to fruition! We long for the healing and wholeness that comes from the completing work that Jesus did on the cross -- and yet, we wait.  Do you desire heaven?  Do you long for the things of heaven and full redemption beyond this fallen world? In Philippians 1:23, Paul says, "I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me."  Revelations 21:4 says, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."  That sounds marvelous!  Something I long for.

I Thessalonians 4;18 tells us to "comfort one another with these words."  What words?  The hope that is to come -- eternal life in heaven -- raised from the dead into our new and glorified bodies (whoot whoot!).  The Bible also tells us that even creation groans for redemption (Romans 8:22).  Imagine if the best day of our lives on earth can't even come close to our "worst" day ever in heaven? 

To desire -- to long for -- to hope in.  Yes, that is definitely the cure for the post-Resurrection Easter Blues!  If we were totally content with our earthly lives, we would settle here, and this is not the "Promised Land!"  This is "not as good as it gets."  This is a fallen world that is tainted with the effects of sin.  It is good to long for, hope in, desire -- it keeps us aware that there is something more!  Something that we long for -- that is meant to be.  Everlasting life in heaven with God.  Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a desire fulfilled is a  tree of life." 

Let us not grow weary of hoping!  Let us not lose sight of God's eternal timeline.

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